FIRE SPORT UK GOLF SECTION Version 0.7 - 1st December 2024
To provide a further means of fostering relationships between members of Local Authorities Fire & Rescue Services through the opportunity of sportsmanship, fellowship and healthy exercise afforded by the Royal and Ancient game of golf.
The competitions shall be played annually in the 1st two weeks of July (flexible with approval from National Committee), this event should not clash with the 4 Nations event or be played in school holiday periods.
The competition shall be open to members of Local Authority Fire Brigades throughout England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland who are members of the Fire Service Sports and Athletics Association, and whose subscriptions are fully paid up.
A retired member who is still a member of his Brigades Sports & Welfare fund which is a fully paid-up member of the FIRE SPORT UK shall be entitled to play as a team member.
For the purpose of the competition there will be four areas, Scottish, Northern, Midland and Southern. See appendix list for Brigades falling into these areas.
An area may, at its discretion, delegate responsibility for organising to a particular District or Brigade. The District or Brigade will appoint an organising Secretary.
If for any reason an area is unable to accept responsibility for organising a competition it will advise the National Secretary prior to the Annual General Meeting preceding the competition. The National Committee will there upon decide which of the other areas will be nominated.
See rota of events until 2028.
A notice of competition shall be circulated by the Organising Secretary to all Brigade Golf Secretaries.
Entries will be made direct to the Organising Secretary and will include all the information required by the organiser, as set out in the notice of competition. Entries must be in the hands of the Organising Secretary by the Event Entry Cut-Off date set for competition entries.
Should the number of entries exceed the numbers of places available, the Organising Secretary shall reduce the numbers by one of the following methods: This method selected must be indicated on the notice of competition.
Each brigade section will be offered one pair, after the Event Entry Cut-Off date the following sections will be offered additional pairs as per order- Hosts/Previous Hosts/Holders (Nett) then sections off the National Pairs events attendance table, this table will be sent to the Organising Secretary. The National Secretary will update this table each year.
Any additional pairs will be offered on a first come first served basis.
Those whose entries are not accepted shall have their entry fees returned.
Each Competitor shall pay an entry fee, the amount of which will be determined by the organising committee having regard to the local factors affecting costs and must be submitted with the entry.
Four Ball Pairs Championship
36 hole four-ball better ball Medal Competition (two rounds of 18 holes) played over two days.
Day 1 Afternoon play Day 2 Morning play
Optional practice round may be arranged by competitors prior to the event.
9. HANDICAPS (Max Handicap Index 18.0)
WHS index to be provided at registration for National Events, Golf Club, Igolf or Brigade handicap master index and have it present for evidence and show this to the Organising Committee on the practice day at the very latest. A handicap certificate handed in on the competition day will not be accepted.
Club golfers will manage their own handicap index at Fire Service Golf Events, this is to include local, regional, and National Events. When entering a National Competition and registering you MUST submit your card into the ‘MY England Golf/Igolf app’. Non-England players will take their cards back to their golf clubs and submit them, the committee will carry out random checks, anyone winning a prize will automatically be checked, if their card has not been submitted, they and their team will be disqualified, prizes/trophies will be awarded to the next in line. The player will not be allowed to enter the event the following year.
All players should be on handicap master at least 2 weeks before the Organising Committee or Handicap Secretary carry out their pre-event checks, if a player is not on Handicap Master the section secretary will be informed.
All players should have 5 rounds/scores on Handicap Master within 12 months of the event dates, failure to have 5, the player will be allowed to enter, however the player will play off scratch.
The maximum handicap index for the competition shall be 18.0, this index must be achieved on the Event Entry Cut- Off Date, this cut-off date will be set by the Organising Secretary. If a player’s index increases after the Event Entry Cut- Off Date, the Organizer must be informed, this entry will be accepted subject to the player playing off the Maximum handicap 18.0.
Playing Handicap allowance 85% of Course Handicap
Any player found to have a handicap above the limit set out above (and had not informed the organising committee) or whose handicap doesn’t comply with National guidelines shall be disqualified from the competition. IN ADDITION, THAT PERSON WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM ENTERING THE FOLLOWING YEARS COMPETITION. In all other cases competitors will compete using their current handicap index and must provide a certificate authenticating this handicap index signed by their Golf Club or Brigade Secretary or as appropriate.
Slow Play If any combination of players loses more than one clear hole over the players immediately in front on the course, the organising committee may impose a penalty of two strokes. The competition will be played under the rules of golf determined by the: • Royal & Ancient Golf Club, • Local rules at the host Golf Club.
The established etiquette of Golf will always be observed
Any question which will arise relating to the interpretation of the rules, penalties etc. shall be referred to the National Committee.
A Committee is appointed for the National Pairs so that any matters in dispute are not left solely to the organising Brigade who will be involved. This Committee shall include at least one National Committee Member and must not include anyone from a Brigade involved in the dispute.
12. PAIRS CHAMPIONSHIP PLACINGS The pair with the lowest net score will be awarded the Net Trophy.
The pair with the lowest gross score will be awarded the Gross Trophy.
The pair with the 2nd lowest net score will be awarded 2nd place in the Net Trophy.
The pair with the 2nd lowest gross score will be awarded 2nd place in the Gross Trophy.
The pair with the 3rd lowest net score will be awarded 3rd place in the Net Trophy.
The pair with the 3rd lowest gross score will be awarded 3rd place in the Gross Trophy.
The winners will be awarded in the above order; no pair can win more than one prize but shall be awarded both trophies.
If a pairing should win both net and gross trophies the first-place prize for the gross shall be awarded to the 2nd lowest gross score, 2nd prize to the 3rd lowest gross score and the 3rd prize to the 4th lowest gross score.
In the event of ties the scores from the second round will be used as follows
Best score from second round
Best score from holes 10 – 18
Best score from holes 13 – 18
Best Score from holes 16 – 18
Best score from 18th hole
At the discretion of the Organising Secretary, and the subject to sufficient funds being available for prizes, the organisers may award prizes for the best day 1 and day 2 rounds, both net and gross. Prize winners as set out in Rule 12 cannot win any of these prizes if awarded.
The winners of the competitions will hold the trophies for a period of approximately 12 months from the date of the competition and will be responsible for them being available for presentation when the competition is next held. If in any year the competitions are not held, then the individual or individuals holding the trophy will return it to the National Secretary who will be responsible for its safe custody, until such time that a further competition is played.
As soon as possible after the event the Organising Secretary shall forward to the National Secretary/Treasurer a balance sheet for the event.
The Organising Secretary shall forward to the National Secretary/ Treasurer a list of Prize winners on the completion of the competition. The Trophy Winners Brigade and Home Address should be included on the list.
The Organising Secretary shall forward to the National Secretary a report on the event (to include photographs, and comments) so that the FSUK Golf Section Web site can be updated.
Alteration to these rules will be made only at the Annual General Meeting of the Association Golf Section, subject to the following:
The National Secretary must receive in writing at least twenty-eight (28) days before the Annual General Meeting any proposal to alter these rules.
The National Committee shall comprise of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer, and the Golf Secretary of each appointed District of Association. At least six of the National Committee must be present at the Annual General Meeting before any alteration of the rules can take place. There must be a majority in favour of a proposed alteration before it can be accepted.
Competition Play. We want everyone to be able to take part in our Competitions and, if you’ve got a medical reason, you can receive permission to use a golf buggy. (England Golf). Permission to be granted from the organizing Secretary or National Secretary, failure to receive permission will result in DQ from the competition round played whilst using the golf buggy.