1 TITLE FIRE SPORT UK Golf Section England v Scotland International 2 AIM To provide further means of fostering relationships between members of the English and Scottish Fire Brigade Golf Sections. 3 ELIGIBILITY The Competition shall be open to team’s representative of Local Authority Fire Brigades of England and Scotland, who are fully paid-up members of FIRE SPORT UK. 4 TEAMS Each Team shall consist of 20 players with a handicap no greater than 18.0 index. The English Team will include the captain and a captain’s pick, to be decided with the National committee 5 VENUE The Competition shall be played alternatively in England then in Scotland. 6 THE COMPETITION The morning round will consist of four ball betterball matchplay. The afternoon round will consist of singles match play. The result of the Competition will be decided by aggregating the scores of both the fourball and singles matches. One point for a win and half a point for a draw. 7 PRIZES Prizes will be allocated to the winning team. 8 DATES OF EVENT Where possible the Competition will be played in early October. 9HANDICAPS (Max Handicap Index 18.0)
All competitors must be in possession of a bona fide WHS handicap index i.e., Golf Club or brigade ‘handicap master’ index and have it present for scrutiny by the organising committee at registration.
Club player’s failure to provide a valid handicap certificate will mean that player will play the full competition off a handicap of scratch (zero). Society players will require a Handicap Master Index to allow entry into the competition. (See also: FSUK Golf Section WHS Rules 2020) The maximum handicap index for the competition shall be 18.0. Should a players’ handicap index increase above those limits by the time of the competition the organising committee must be informed. That entry shall be accepted subject to that member playing off 18.0 index.
Playing Handicap allowance 90% difference of Course Handicap – Pairs (lowest player)
Playing Handicap allowance 100% difference of Course Handicap – Singles
Any player found to have a handicap above the limit set out above (and had not informed the organising committee) or whose handicap doesn’t comply with National guidelines shall be disqualified from the competition. IN ADDITION, THAT PERSON WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM ENTERING THE FOLLOWING YEARS COMPETITION. In all other cases competitors will compete using their current handicap index and must provide a certificate authenticating this handicap index signed by their Golf Club or Brigade Secretary or as appropriate.
If any combination of players loses more than one clear hole over the players immediately in front on the course, the organising committee may impose a penalty of two strokes.
The competitions will be played under the Rules of Golf determined for the time by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, subject to any local rules of the club on whose course it is played. The established etiquette of golf will always be observed.
Any question which will arise relating to the interpretation of the rules, penalties etc. shall be referred to the National Committee. A Committee is appointed for the England v Scotland so that any matters in dispute are not left solely to the organising Brigade who will be involved. This Committee shall include at least one National Committee Member and the 2 Team Captains.
12. BALANCE SHEET As soon as possible after the event the Organising Secretary shall forward to the National Secretary/Treasurer a balance sheet for the event.
The Organising Secretary shall forward to the National Secretary/ Treasurer a list of Prize winners on the completion of the competition. The Trophy Winners Brigade and Home Address should be included on the list
The Organising Secretary shall forward to the National Secretary a report on the event (to include photographs, and comments) so that the FSUK Golf Section Web site can be updated
Alteration to these rules will be made only at the Annual General Meeting of the Association Golf Section, subject to the following:
The National Secretary must receive in writing at least twenty-eight (28) days before the Annual General Meeting any proposal to alter these rules.
16. USE OF BUGGIES AT NATIONAL EVENTS. Competition Play. We want everyone to be able to take part in our Competitions and, if you have got a medical reason, you can receive permission to use a golf buggy. (England Golf). Permission to be granted from the Organizing Secretary or National Secretary, failure to receive permission will result in DQ from the competition round played whilst using the golf buggy.
The National Committee shall comprise of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer, and the Golf Secretary of each appointed District of Association. At least six of the National Committee must be present at the Annual General Meeting before any alteration of the rules can take place. There must be a majority in favour of a proposed alteration before it can be accepted.