The Constitution is to be agreed annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) by the brigade secretaries and should be signed by the Chairperson and the Secretary. A signed copy is to be held by the Secretary and published on the FSUK website. All Committee Members are to be given, and are to read, a copy of this Constitution on taking up a position on the FSUK Golf Society Committee. The Society agrees to abide by the Rules of Golf as laid down by the R&A which was formed in 2004 and based in St Andrews. The R&A engages in and supports activities undertaken for the benefit of the sport of golf. The Society recognises that England Golf is the Governing Body for men’s and women’s amateur golf within England and as such recognises its authority to govern the game.
Name The section shall be designated ‘Fire Sport UK Golf Section’, hereinafter referred to as ‘The Section’.
To promote the game of Golf, providing fun, competitive golf for male and female players of all ages and abilities and to attract new players to the game of golf.
To benefit both serving and retired members of the fire service.
To establish regular events and to encourage maximum attendance wherever possible.
For representation in arranged friendly and competition matches against other Fire & Rescue Services, clubs, and societies. This includes inter brigade, inter district, national and international.
To support and encourage national competitions.
To support the provision of trophies and the raising of funds.
Management The management of the society and the disposal of funds and property thereof shall be entrusted to a committee consisting of a at least a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer who should be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (here in after referred to as the AGM)
Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Section shall be held no later than 31st December in any year. The Honorary Secretary shall summon such meetings, by giving notice in writing of the date, time, and venue of the meeting at least two months in advance of the proposed date. The notice shall be circulated to all Districts of the Fire Sport UK, whether they are active or non active participants in the sport. Notice of any business to be considered at the AGM, including notices of motion, shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary in writing within 14 days of the issue of the summons for the AGM. The Honorary General Secretary shall prepare the agenda for the AGM and shall publish it at least 14 days prior to the AGM
The agenda for the AGM shall include:
The report of the Chairperson and Honorary Secretary.
The report of the Honorary Treasurer and the audited balance sheet.
The appointment of Officers, i.e., Chairperson, Honorary Secretary and Honorary treasurer.
Appointment of two persons to sign cheques of which one shall be the Treasurer.
Special General Meeting Upon a receipt of a requisition by at least ten member Brigades, duly endorsed by the signatures of the respective Chairperson and Secretaries, the Honorary General Secretary must summon a Special General Meeting giving at least 14 days and not more than 21 days' notice of the date, time and place and details of the business to be considered. A Special General Meeting may also be called at the discretion of the Sectional Committee, in which case the notice required must be at least seven days, but in all other respects the requirement of the notice shall be the same.
The power to vote at Annual and Special General Meetings shall be restricted to members of the Sectional Committee. If the votes cast result in a tie the Chairperson will have the casting vote making their decision in the best interests of the Section.
Committee Meeting The business and affairs of the society shall be managed by a committee elected at the AGM. The Committee will meet regularly to manage the Society and make key decisions. Committee meetings shall be held once a month or as decided by the Chairperson with at least 4 members forming a quorum. The Chairperson shall take the Chair at Committee meetings or in his/her absence, by any member elected by those present. Matters shall be decided by a majority of votes cast. Each member present shall have one vote with the chairperson having the casting vote. Voting on all motions shall be by a show of hands. Minutes shall be recorded of resolutions passed at each meeting. The Treasurer shall keep account of all receipts and disbursements of the society and present an up-to-date statement of them to Committee at each meeting. The Committee shall have power to make, alter or rescind such rules and regulations as they may consider necessary, provided always that no resolution shall change any prevision of the Constitution and do not alter the rules of each competition. No decision of the Committee shall be valid unless passed when a quorum is present. At an AGM the membership will have the power to alter or amend any rule or regulation made by the committee. The Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies on Committee by co-option. The Committee shall have power to appoint sub-committees and to decide on the reason and duration of their activities. Sub Committees must have at least one sitting committee member. Any proposal of the sub-committee must be ratified the Committee. Any complaints or disputes shall be notified in writing to the Secretary who shall submit them to the Committee whose decision shall be final on all matters.
The Committee The committee shall be responsible for the normal operation of the society and shall implement and apply rules, regulations and guidelines as they deem appropriate to promote the successful operation of the society for the benefit of members and will comprise of the following Officials, some of whom may hold more than one post:
Chairperson Is responsible for conducting the business at any meeting of the Society and together with the Secretary/Treasurer, be accountable for the general running of the Society in accordance with the Constitution and Rules approved by the membership. Responsibilities include:
Ensuring that the Golf Society has an effective and sound Management team.
Encouraging volunteers to get involved and enjoy the contribution they make to the Society.
Upholding the spirit of fair play and sportsmanship.
Calling, chairing, and controlling regular meetings.
Organising the work of Committee members
Secretary Is accountable to the Chairperson and members for all secretarial matters concerning the Golf Society. Responsibilities include:
Arranging Committee Meetings and the AGM.
Producing the Agenda and Minutes of all Committee Meetings and the AGM.
Ensuring correct etiquette and discipline within the Golf Society and officiating Sanction Procedures where necessary.
Maintaining the records and files of the Society.
Receiving and issuing all correspondence pertaining to Society business.
Treasurer Is accountable to the Chairperson and members for the sound administration of society funds. Responsibilities include:
Keeping a correct record of accounts and financial affairs and furnishing an up-to-date account of income and expenditure at each Committee meeting and AGM.
Accounting for all payments into and out of the society account.
Ensuring the signature authority of two signatories is in place on the society bank account.
Recommending fees considering cost of equipment and miscellaneous items.
Handicap Secretary Is accountable to the Chairperson and members for all handicapping matters concerning the Golf Society. Responsibilities include:
The control of Handicaps within the Society, under the guidance of England Golf.
Assistants Are accountable to the Chairperson and members for any duties assigned to them concerning the golf society. Responsibilities include:
Supporting national events
Carrying out admin duties set by the chairperson/secretary
Assisting other committee members in their roles where required
The Committee shall be responsible for the funding of the activities of the Section from sources approved by the National Executive Committee of the Fire Sport UK. Organisers of national competitions may secure additional funding for an event but not to the detriment of the main sponsor, any additional funding shall be agreed by a committee member at the earliest opportunity. The Honorary Treasurer shall hold to the credit of the Section all monies received and the funds shall be vested in the name of Fire Sport UK. The financial year shall be 1st January to 31st December and the accounts made up to 31st December. The Honorary Secretary / Treasurer shall keep such cash and stock books as necessary. Receipt books shall be used to acknowledge all monies received on behalf of the Association. The Honorary Secretary / Treasurer shall submit to the Fire Sport UK. Council before the 30th of April each year, a balance sheet for the past year duly approved by the Section.
Membership Membership of the Section shall be limited to the members of the Sports Clubs which are members of the Fire Service Sports and Athletics Association as defined in Rule 4(a) of the National Trust Instrument and Rules.
Competitions No person may compete in any competition organised by FSUK Association unless they are a bona-fide member of a fire and rescue sports section, and it shall be the duty of the all fire and rescue sports sections to ensure that the competitors comply with the rule. Exemptions may be given by the Committee on a case-by-case basis.’
Championships Team and individual championships promoted by the committee may be held annually, these include but are not limited to.
FF Charity Cup
National Pairs
Sheriffs Cup
Retired FF
National Individual
4 Nations
England vs Scotland
Any documents requiring authentication on behalf of the Association shall be deemed to be sufficiently executed if signed by the Chairperson of the Committee and countersigned by the Honorary Secretary / Treasurer, or Assistant Secretary / Treasurer. The Chairperson and Honorary Secretary / Treasurer shall have the power to deal with all matters of an urgent or emergency nature and may take decisions on all matters that do not require major changes of policy. In every case where the powers given by this rule are exercised, a report shall be made to the next meeting of the Sectional Committee for confirmation.
Dress Regulations All members must be mindful of the standard of dress required by the society whilst on the premises of a golf day venue. This will usually entail wearing smart casual golf wear and correct golf shoes, no jeans, T-shirts, or collarless shirts, whilst on the course. Once returning to the clubhouse, adherence to the club's dress code in the clubhouse is required.
Discipline and Sanction Procedures All members are to abide by the Rules as laid down in this Constitution. The rules dictated by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and England Golf are to be followed to the letter. Particular attention is to be paid to Golf Course Etiquette. All society members should behave in a courteous and convivial manner to each other and all members of host clubs whilst on the course and within their clubhouse. Never should we lose sight of the fact that we are their guests. Any member of the Society who, by their actions, brings the reputation of the Society into question with any outside agency be it through conduct during play or socially, will result in an investigation by the Committee. The Committee has the right to provide a verbal warning, written warning, suspension, or termination of membership. Any member subject to the above ruling who disputes the action taken may make a representation to the Secretary in writing, submitting any supporting evidence as necessary. If a full meeting of the Committee elects a majority vote of no confidence in a Committee Member, then the Committee Member will be dismissed immediately from the post without the need for a resignation. A quorum will consist of a minimum of 50% of the Committee, a written report will be required and produced to all secretaries detailing the reasons for the dismissal, this decision can be appealed through a written dispute and must provide evidence against the decision.
Insurance All members and guests, at their own expense, are required to have an insurance policy against any liability arising from their actions at a Society event. The Society will NOT be held responsible any loss or damage to property or personal injury however this may arise. Members and friends engaging in the outings organised by the Society undertake to do so at their own risk. No claim can be entertained for damages either against the Committee of the Society, any member of the Society.
Property of the Society All assets will always remain the property of the Society and no member or guest shall accrue any rights thereto or have any claim to the same. All benefits any member or Committee member will accrue shall be declared to the members of the Society. No member is entitled to any asset or part thereof on choosing to leave the Society or (in extreme cases) by expulsion.
Alteration of the Constitution & Rules The rules of the Society may be altered at the AGM & shall be binding on dissentient members. This constitution can only be amended by a majority vote at the AGM, or any Special General Meeting decided upon by the Committee. Members will be informed of any proposed change at least 1 week in advance of such a meeting. Each member has one vote which can only be cast by attendance at the meeting in person, by other accepted means. A proxy vote may be accepted after application to the committee detailing reasons why you or a representative is not able to attend the meeting.
Trust Instruments and Rules
The “FireSportUK” rules and guidelines apply.
Dissolution In the event of dissolution, the assets remaining will be transferred to the General Fund of the “FireSportUK”.
Date of AGM or Special Meeting that Constitution was agreed or amended: